I must admit, I'm a commitment-phobe. But not in the way you might expect. I'm not scared to get married in the semi-near future, or commit to a person, lifestyle, or career. I'm afraid to commit to a blog.
I'm not going to lie, I found it increasingly difficult to fit time into my extremely busy schedule to write about dance (the subject of my old blog). You wouldn't think that something I have nearly 20 years of experience in would leave me at a loss for words, but it did. Writing about dance, dancing, and teaching dance left me with a sour taste in my mouth for the art-form. So I decided to switch gears and commit to something new. I've committed to weddings- or at least for the time being, blogging about them.
I remember complaining that I'd only ever been to three weddings (one of them I was a flower girl in). My older cousin wasn't lying when she said that a day would come when it seemed like everyone around me was getting engaged and planning their big day- well that day has come.
It all started when my best friend's brother proposed to his girlfriend last January. In the past year my cousin, one of my best friend's from high school, two friends at dancing, one friend from Creative Communications, two of my best friend's closest friends, and a couple people that I graduated high school with have gotten engaged...
So I figured I'd commit to a blog that focuses on commitment and hopefully, by the time I'm ready to get married I'll know everything I've ever wanted to, and more, about tying the knot.
And, it's not a bad idea since my dream is to one day start my own wedding planning business.